Sunday 8 January 2017

My First London to Paris

Contrary to what has been previously paraphrased about my reasons for never considering any multi-day cycling events, I actually DO like the idea of them. I mean, cycling from London to Paris? Who wouldn't love to tackle that?!πŸ˜…πŸ˜…

However, I also have a healthy appreciation of what my body can handle (even when I suffer for it) and, so far, I've been only willing to accept one-day sportives knowing that I can drag myself through the event, regardless of how long it takes me, and then collapse into my bed at the end of the day and sleep it off for the rest of the week.

What I could not (still cannot?) work my head around is the idea that a person can cycle over 100km on one day - giving up blood, sweat and tears in the process - collapse into bed at the end of it, and then wake up the following morning TO DO IT ALL OVER AGAINπŸ˜“πŸ˜“. Yet, it seems, this is exactly what I've signed up for πŸ˜’πŸ˜’. (I really was caught off-guard when I agreed to this! 😐😐).

This time though, unlike all the previous Sportives I've done, I am going to make a planπŸ˜„. Google Maps says that it's 451km from London to Paris

 and so my plan shall follow two principles:

  1. I should cycle at least 451km between now and April the 22nd.
  2. I should cycle at least 100km on two consecutive days.

There are 16 weeks left and so in order to fulfil that first principle, I should cycle at least 28km every week starting now.

I've done 20k today so I reckon I'm off to an okayish start...πŸ˜€πŸ˜€

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