Monday, 18 May 2015

Hi ho! Hi ho! It's off to work you go!

As you head off to work or school this morning, spare a thought for the two of us aching in places you forgot you had places, a little sunburned and more than a little tired. Whilst we procrastinate, in a while we will be getting back on the bikes in spite of the protestations our bodies will make, putting our backpacks on to sore shoulders and heading off to Paris, climbing close to 1000m in total over 50 miles.

Now almost on any other day, if you asked me if I fancied a quick 50 mile ride to Paris, I'd have bitten your arm off! But today lying here aching, tired and sore...I'd rather just go back to bed and sleep!

So I'm sure you might be thinking "Oh its alright for them! Swanning off on a nice cycling 'holiday', getting to hang out around Paris..." But you'd only be half right! :-)

1 comment:

  1. 50 miles is not bad. You can do that EASY! :-D
